Video: Reforestation Alert
Reforestation Alert follows the story of a community in the Peruvian Amazon that, having once successfully eliminated illegal deforestation on their territories, tackles what comes next: reforestation.
Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon Mobilize to Prevent COVID-19
RFUS is assisting indigenous communities to access and share COVID-19 prevention information.
Video: Rainforest Foundation US 2019 Year In Review
Rainforest Foundation US Senior Geographer, Cameron Ellis, shares an overview of the major victories of Rainforest Foundation US in 2019.
Video: How Satellites and Drones Help Indigenous Peoples Protect the Amazon Forest
RFUS, Columbia University, and others teamed up to provide indigenous communities with technologies for monitoring and reporting deforestation.
Community-Based Monitoring and Technology Can Cut Deforestation in the Amazon
Columbia University researchers unveil the preliminary findings of a year-long study on Rainforest Foundation US’s territorial monitoring work in the Peruvian Amazon.
Smartphones and Satellite Imagery
The third of a series of blog posts covering tech-based monitoring strategies for combating deforestation, accompanied by a video from VICE News.
Training Indigenous Communities in Tech-Based Monitoring Saves Rainforests
The first of a series of blog posts covering tech-based monitoring strategies for combating deforestation, accompanied by a video by If Not Us Then Who?
Video: Communities Combat Coca Growers
“If Not Us Then Who?” and Rainforest Foundation US present a video about indigenous monitors who use technology to fight deforestation.
Video: Indigenous People in Peru Are Using Satellites And Drones To Fight Deforestation
Vice News follows the indigenous community of Buen JardĂn de Callaru as they locate and confront illegal coca growers.