From the Amazon to LA: Destruction From Climate Change and Greed Know No Boundaries
Fires ravage the SĂŁo Marcos Indigenous Territory in Brazil, February 2024.
The Falling Sky: Davi Kopenawa’s Warning Reaches the United States
Adapted from a book by Yanomami shaman Davi Kopenawa and anthropologist Bruce Albert, the film intimately portrays the Yanomami’s struggle to protect their land and culture from relentless outsider encroachment.
En Pucallpa, Lideresas IndĂgenas AmazĂłnicas Firman Alianzas EstratĂ©gicas para la Defensa de sus Territorios y Vidas
Pucallpa, 25 de septiembre de 2024 – Durante los dĂas 4 y 5 de septiembre, alrededor de 70 participantes, de las cuales 50 son lideresas indĂgenas de diversas regiones de la AmazonĂa peruana y de Ecuador se reunieron en Pucallpa (Ucayali) para reflexionar y generar propuestas frente a las mĂşltiples amenazas que afectan sus territorios […]
Amazon On Fire: 2024 Sees Highest Number of Fires in 20 Years
In a troubling trend, the Amazon registered a 43.2% increase in fire hotspots during the same seven month period (January – July) from 2023 to 2024. According to Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE). The Amazon registered 20,221 fire hotspots through July 2024, the highest number for this period since 2005.
Justice Prevails: Peru Court Sentences Murderers of Indigenous Land Defenders to 28 Years
After ten long years, justice was served on Thursday, April 11, for the victims of the emblematic Saweto case in the Ucayali region of Peru. The Court sentenced the five accused to 28 years and three months of imprisonment for the crimes against AshĂ©ninka community leaders from Alto Tamaya – Saweto: Edwin Chota Valera, Jorge RĂos PĂ©rez, Francisco Pinedo RamĂrez, and Leoncio Quintisima MelĂ©ndez, who were brutally murdered on September 1, 2014.
Brazil Amazon Fires: 26 Million Acres Scorched in 2023, Up 35.4% from Previous Year
A staggering 26.4 million acres of Brazil’s Amazon were scorched in 2023, a 35.4% increase from the previous year. Deforestation from agriculture and cattle-ranching is a main driver of forest fires in the Amazon.
“The River is Gone” Communities in the Amazon Struggle Through Worst Drought in Recent History
A severe drought in the Amazon is disrupting transportation, isolating communities, and putting wildlife at risk for survival. Indigenous peoples in the region are urging their governments to declare a climate emergency.
Brazil’s Supreme Court Votes in Favor of Indigenous Rights in Landmark Trial
Brazil’s Supreme Court reached a majority decision to reject Marco Temporal, a pernicious legal argument that translates as a “Time Limit” on Indigenous peoples’ land rights. As the results were announced, Indigenous communities around Brazil erupted into celebration, filling the central plazas of state capitals with music and dancing.
Climate Week NYC 2023: Unleashing People-Powered Solutions to save the world’s rainforests
Climate Week NYC 2023 is quickly approaching. From September 17 to 24, 2023 thousands of political leaders, policymakers, scientists, experts, and activists will gather in New York City to drive climate action and demand change. Check out the highlights from this year’s schedule of events.
Amazon Summit Falls Short: Leaders Must Dig Deeper and Assume Deforestation Commitments
The final declaration of the Amazon Summit, referred to as the Belém Declaration, has fallen short of expectations for collectively implementing crucial measures to protect the Amazon rainforest, its peoples, and the global climate. It notably lacks a commitment towards zero deforestation by 2030 and fails to address halting oil exploration in the region. Read our full statement.