Leaders of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Weigh in on Carbon Market Standard Revision

The jurisdictional REDD+ voluntary carbon market standard TREES 2.0 is up for review, creating a pivotal opportunity to strengthen the rights of Indigenous Peoples as well as those of Local Communities and social integrity throughout the forest carbon market. To that end, a group of significant representative organizations of Indigenous Peoples as well as Local Communities from across Latin America came together to submit their recommendations.
Forest communities craft recommendations for better ART TREES carbon credit standard (Published by Mongabay)

Carbon Markets and Our Rights: A Guide for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

The voluntary carbon market is quickly evolving and being introduced in new territories, making it challenging to sort out who’s who and what the implications are for impacted communities. To support Indigenous communities and local communities to better understand carbon markets, Rainforest Foundation US has launched a six-part animated series to demystify the market and provide communities with the essential information to protect their rights.
Recursos para Titulares de Direitos sobre Padrões do Mercado Jurisdicional de Carbono

ENGLISH PORTUGUÊS ESPAÑOL Análises técnicas para apoiar o envolvimento dos povos indÃgenas e comunidades locais nos padrões do mercado voluntário de carbono O mercado voluntário de carbono está evoluindo rapidamente em florestas tropicais ao redor do mundo. Está criando um cenário complexo de novos atores, padrões e requisitos para que os povos indÃgenas e comunidades […]
Mesoamerican Community Leaders Point the Way Toward a High-Integrity Carbon Market

The Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB), in collaboration with Rainforest Foundation US and Fundación PRISMA, convened in El Salvador to shape a united vision for strengthening the integrity of carbon markets in the region. This comes at a crucial moment as governments and the private sector increasingly advocate for nature-based solutions, including carbon markets and REDD+ initiatives, which have been developed without adequate input from the communities leading forest protection efforts on the ground.
Mercados de Carbono e Nossos Direitos: Um Guia para Povos IndÃgenas e Comunidades Locais

O mercado voluntário de carbono está evoluindo rapidamente e chegando em novos territórios, o que pode tornar difÃcil entender quem participa dele e como isso afeta as comunidades envolvidas. Para apoiar as comunidades locais e indÃgenas a terem mais informações sobre os mercados de carbono, a Rainforest Foundation US lançou os três primeiros vÃdeos de uma série animada de seis capÃtulos para desmistificar este recurso e fornecer à s comunidades as informações essenciais para proteger seus direitos.
Mercados de Carbono y Nuestros Derechos: Una GuÃa para Pueblos IndÃgenas y Comunidades Locales

El mercado voluntario de carbono está evolucionando rápidamente y se está introduciendo en nuevos territorios, lo que dificulta distinguir quién es quién y cuáles son las implicaciones para las comunidades afectadas. Para apoyar a las comunidades indÃgenas y locales a comprender mejor los mercados de carbono, Rainforest Foundation US ha lanzado los tres primeros vÃdeos de una serie animada de seis partes para desmitificar el mercado y proporcionar a las comunidades la información esencial para proteger sus derechos.
Recursos para Titulares de Derechos sobre los Mercados de Carbono

El mercado de carbono voluntario está evolucionando rápidamente en los bosques tropicales alrededor del mundo, creando un complejo panorama de nuevos actores, normas y requisitos que los pueblos indÃgenas y las comunidades locales deben navegar para proteger sus derechos. Con el objetivo de apoyar a estas comunidades, sus organizaciones y lÃderes, Rainforest Foundation US ha comisionado a Climate, Law and Policy para desarrollar una serie de análisis que detallan los requisitos asociados a las salvaguardas.
Challenges and Pathways for Equitable Carbon Markets: Insights from Guyana’s Experience

The certification of carbon credits in Guyana under a program designed without the participation and free, prior, and informed consent of Indigenous peoples is a troubling precedent that threatens the rights of Indigenous peoples and the social integrity of carbon markets everywhere. Learn more about the issues in a new case study.
Resources for Rights-holders on Jurisdictional Carbon Market Standards

The voluntary carbon market is quickly evolving in tropical forests around the world, creating a complex landscape of new actors, standards, and requirements for Indigenous peoples and local communities to navigate in order to protect their rights. To support communities, their organizations, and their leaders Rainforest Foundation US commissioned Climate, Law and Policy to develop a set of analyses that break down the safeguard-related requirements