Significance of Community-Held Territories in 24 Countries to Global Climate

New research shows indigenous peoples and local communities live on at least 3.75 million square miles of land spanning most of the world’s endangered tropical forests—yet have legal rights to less than half of these lands.
The UN’s IPCC Report: To Avoid the Worst of the Climate Catastrophe, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Must Be Protected

Earlier this month, the United Nations’ climate change panel released a report stating that global warming will inevitably intensify in the coming decades. The only question is: By how much? Here, we lay out the role RFUS will play in mitigating the damage.
New COVID-19 Variant Threatens Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon

A new variant of COVID-19 is putting indigenous peoples across the Amazon at heightened risk–yet again. Reports from the ground come from Peru and Brazil.
Rainforest Foundation US 2020 Year In Review

A summary of the highlights of Rainforest Foundation US’s impact to protect the peoples and the rainforests of Central and South America in 2020.
Bridging Ancient Wisdom Into Modern Society featured Rainforest Foundation as an example of celebrity-endorsed organizations doing effective work in support of indigenous peoples.
Fires in the Amazon Shift with the Seasons, and Rage On

Rainforest Foundation US analyzes Amazon fire data from 2019 and 2020. Indigenous peoples’ traditional land management practices lower the risk of extreme forest fires.
Amazon Emergency Fund Scales Up

The Amazon Emergency Fund (AEF) received a $2 million donation from the French Government to deliver COVID-19 relief to indigenous communities.
SOS Rainforest Livestream to Protect Indigenous Peoples and the Planet

On June 21st, major international artists will join in solidarity with indigenous peoples for a livestream concert to raise awareness and support for indigenous forest guardians under extreme threat from the coronavirus.
SOS Rainforest Live: Major Artists Unite in Support of Indigenous Guardians of the Rainforests Threatened by the COVID-19 Pandemic

On June 21st, major international artists will join in solidarity with indigenous peoples for a livestream concert to raise awareness and support for indigenous forest guardians under extreme threat from the coronavirus.
Rainforest Foundation US Partners With Indigenous Peoples and Ally Organizations on New Amazon Emergency Fund

RFUS has joined forces with COICA and other NGOs to establish a fund that supports indigenous communities facing COVID-19.