What is Deforestation–And is Stopping it Really Possible?
The Guardian explains the link between forests and global climate, and how indigenous communities halt deforestation, including the PNAS study backing satellite monitoring and alerts for forest loss.
Indigenous Amazon Communities Fight Deforestation with New Early-Alert Tool
Scientific American writes about the PNAS study supporting Rainforest Alert’s proven impact in Peru.
Climate Change: Technology Boosts Efforts to Curb Tree Loss in Amazon
BBC covers the study backing the success of Rainforest Alert, RFUS’s program that equips indigenous communities with technology to curb deforestation.
Peru’s Indigenous Tribes Use Tech Tools to Track Amazon Deforestation
Reuters highlights the study backing RFUS’s Rainforest Alert methodology, wherein indigenous communities use smartphones to map and send alerts of deforestation.
Profile in Forbes Gives a Face to the Amazon’s Front Line
An article in Forbes describes the work of indigenous leader Betty Rubio Padilla, who uses satellite technology and deforestation alerts in order to quickly detect and respond to illegal incursions.
Betty‌ ‌‌Rubio‌ ‌Padilla uses her cell phone to monitor the Amazon Rainforest for deforestation.
How One Man – And A Creative Map – Made A Difference In Panama’s COVID-19 Crisis
RFUS’s Mapping Coordinator, Carlos Doviaza, was featured in an NPR article that describes how his maps are helping indigenous communities in Panama assert their land rights and track COVID-19.
Indigenous Community Wins Recognition of its Land Rights in Panama
Mongabay writes about Panama’s Naso people, a Rainforest Foundation US partner, in their achievement of a protected indigenous territory following decades of effort.
Bridging Ancient Wisdom Into Modern Society
Forbes.com featured Rainforest Foundation as an example of celebrity-endorsed organizations doing effective work in support of indigenous peoples.
COVID-19: Pueblos IndĂgenas de PerĂş Enfrentan Escasez de Alimentos y Deficiencias en AtenciĂłn de Salud
LĂderes indĂgenas solicitan abastecimiento de artĂculos de primera necesidad y la definaciĂłn de protocolos para llevar insumos y monitores forestales divulgan informaciĂłn para prevenir contagio por coronavirus.
In the News: How Crypto Will Change the Face of Charity
Rainforest Foundation US’s Suzanne Pelletier and other charity heads discuss the future of cryptocurrency.