Carbon Markets and Our Rights: Distribution Guide
We hope you find these videos valuable in building understanding around carbon markets and their impacts on your rights.
Please note that the series consists of 6 videos, designed to be watched sequentially from 1 to 6. The subject of each video is outlined in its title:
- Video 1: What is Carbon?
- Video 2: The Forest Carbon Market
- Video 3: Community Rights & Consultation
- *Video 4: Certification & Safeguards
- *Video 5: What Are the Risks to Our Rights?
- *Video 6: What to Do When Things Go Wrong
Videos 1-3 are directed at a wider community audience, while videos 4-6 are meant to engage community leaders and paralegals who may be seeking more detailed information.
*Videos 4-6 are estimated to be released in mid-September.
Language and Accessibility:
- Each video is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- If you’re interested in having these videos in another language, please be in touch! The production studio offers low-cost voiceover editing in any Indigenous language. Take a look at this step-by-step guide, and email us at gro.s1726253193utser1726253193ofnia1726253193r@sma1726253193rgorp1726253193 for more information.
Share on Social Media:
- You can find a small selection of promotional images here. Feel free to share these on your social media platforms with links to the videos on YouTube or to the dedicated landing page.
- You may download and edit these promotional materials to match your organization’s branding guidelines, or create your own.
- Consider writing a caption that poses questions to followers in order to start a conversation and increase engagement.
Share on WhatsApp:
- On the landing page, you’ll find a link below each video to download small versions for easy sharing on WhatsApp and social media.
- It is best to share these complete video files directly, rather than YouTube links, so that your contacts may view them offline.
- You may want to include a brief shareable text explaining the content and promoting their use.
- Encourage recipients to forward the videos to other groups to maximize reach.
Trainings and Workshops:
- Screen full-length videos using a projector during gatherings.
- Follow up with discussions or Q&A sessions to deepen understanding, and to consider how your community might respond if market actors were to approach you.
- If you have any questions, please contact us at gro.s1726253193utser1726253193ofnia1726253193r@sma1726253193rgorp1726253193.
Additional Educational Resources:
For more in-depth information, please check out these booklets produced by Climate Law Policy that review the safeguard requirements for each major standard.
These written explainers by Forest Peoples Programme and NYU’s Global Justice Clinic use case studies and infographics to break down the key concepts. Also available in French and Bahasa Indonesian.
Also check out Carbon Brief’s very useful glossary of frequently used terms in carbon markets.