
Right to the Land: Indigenous Land Title as a Climate Strategy

Here’s an insight at the heart of RFUS’s work: Lands legally controlled by Indigenous peoples and local communities show lower rates of deforestation—up to a 66% reduction in forest cover loss. Listen to Cameron Ellis and Kim Chaix of Rainforest Foundation US speak about the power of land titling.

Right to the Land: Indigenous Land Title as a Climate Strategy

Right to the Land: Indigenous Land Title as a Climate Strategy

Here’s an insight at the heart of RFUS’s work: Lands legally controlled by Indigenous peoples and local communities show lower rates of deforestation—up to a 66% reduction in forest cover loss. Listen to Cameron Ellis and Kim Chaix of Rainforest Foundation US speak about the power of land titling. Titling doesn’t only benefit the forests and the Indigenous peoples on the front lines of climate change who call those forests home. It also affects the amount of carbon stored, and the biodiversity needed for our planet to thrive.


The True Cost of Gold: Mining, Malaria, and the Fight for Indigenous Peoples’ Lands in Guyana 


Leaders of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Weigh in on Carbon Market Standard Revision

RFUS in the Press

Forest communities craft recommendations for better ART TREES carbon credit standard (Published by Mongabay)

RFUS in the Press

A Brave New World: Completely Digital Currency And Advocates (Published by The NonProfit Times)

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