
Resources for Rights-holders on Jurisdictional Carbon Market Standards

The voluntary carbon market is quickly evolving in tropical forests around the world, creating a complex landscape of new actors, standards, and requirements for Indigenous peoples and local communities to navigate in order to protect their rights. To support communities, their organizations, and their leaders Rainforest Foundation US commissioned Climate, Law and Policy to develop a set of analyses that break down the safeguard-related requirements

Resources for Rights-holders on Jurisdictional Carbon Market Standards

Technical analyses to support indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ engagement in voluntary carbon market standards

The voluntary carbon market is quickly evolving in tropical forests around the world. It is creating a complex landscape of new actors, standards, and requirements for Indigenous peoples and local communities to navigate in order to protect their rights. To support communities, their organizations, and their leaders, Rainforest Foundation US commissioned Climate Law and Policy to develop a set of analyses that break down the safeguard-related requirements.

The standards covered in these materials include: Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)’s Methodological FrameworkREDD.Plusthe Verified Carbon Standard Jurisdictional and Nested Framework (VCS JNR), and ART’s The REDD+ Environmental Excellency Standard (TREES). The TREES booklet also contains seven sub-booklets relating to its specific requirements and approach to each of the Cancun Safeguards.

Click on the thumbnails to access the complete analyses:

Understanding the safeguard requirements of The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
Understanding the safeguard requirements of REDD.Plus
Understanding the safeguard requirements of The Verified Carbon Standard-Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ Framework (VCS JNR)
Understanding the safeguard requirements of The REDD+ Environmental Excellence Standard (TREES)
TREES Safeguard A: Relating to national forest programs and relevant international conventions and agreements
TREES Safeguard B: Relating to transparent and effective governance structures
TREES Safeguard C: Relating to respect for the knowledge and rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities
TREES Safeguard D: Relating to the full and effective participation of stakeholders
TREES Safeguard E: Relating to the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity
TREES Safeguard F: Relating to action to address the risk of reversals of emissions reductions
TREES Safeguard G: Relating to actions to reduce displacement of emissions


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