Thank You For Taking Our Quiz! Life in the Rainforest is At Risk—Will You Help Protect It?

Biodiversity is disappearing at an alarming rate. 

Deforestation, fires increasing in frequency and severity, and illegal trafficking of flora and fauna threaten millions of Indigenous peoples—and the tens of thousands of species of plants and animals that call rainforests home. 

Keeping rainforests (which store carbon vital to fighting the climate crisis) standing—and ensuring they stay healthy—is critical to making sure biodiversity thrives. 

Rainforests cared for by Indigenous peoples are less deforested, and studies show that biodiversity on Indigenous-managed lands is equal to or higher than biodiversity in other protected areas. 

For over 35 years, Rainforest Foundation US has supported Indigenous peoples—rainforests’ best defenders—to protect their rainforest territories and uphold their rights.

Our work is not just an ethical imperative—it is a smart and effective strategy to protect biodiversity, slow climate change, and keep rainforests standing.

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Take the Rainforest Biodiversity Quiz

How well do you know the rainforest?

Dive into our quiz and test your knowledge about the wonders of rainforest biodiversity and why Indigenous peoples are the best guardians of this vital habitat.

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