Geo Indigena

Geo Indigena

Geo Indigena is a newly formed civil association led by indigenous youth with a focus on providing training and capacity building for mapping, monitoring, and community natural resource management with indigenous traditional governance structures and the indigenous movement regionally. RFUS has been supporting the development and organizational launch of GeoIndigena for the past few years. GeoIndigena received legal recognition in mid-2020, and will be a key partner for RFUS in coming years.


Leaders of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Weigh in on Carbon Market Standard Revision

RFUS in the Press

Forest communities craft recommendations for better ART TREES carbon credit standard (Published by Mongabay)

RFUS in the Press

A Brave New World: Completely Digital Currency And Advocates (Published by The NonProfit Times)

News Releases

Rainforest Foundation US Launches Bitcoin Treasury to Protect Rainforests and Support Indigenous Rights

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