Treasury for the Trees

A Bitcoin Treasury for the Rainforests’ Future


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Our Goal

Raise 100 Bitcoin (BTC) for rainforest protection in Central and South America. 

Our Treasury will serve as a sustainable reserve to support protection of Indigenous peoples’ rights and rainforests over the long term. It will also enable us to respond swiftly to urgent threats facing our Indigenous partners and their lands.

Why a Treasury in Bitcoin?

We aim to hold Bitcoin in the Treasury as a hedge against inflation and economic volatility, ensuring long-term funding for rainforest protection.

While we strive to hold Bitcoin over time,  we may strategically use a portion of the appreciated Bitcoin to address immediate operational needs in response to escalating threats to rainforests and Indigenous peoples.

Bitcoin is more than just a digital asset—it’s a symbol of financial sovereignty. With a 100 BTC Treasury, RFUS will ensure our ability to continue our forest protection work and reduce our dependence on uncertain traditional annual fundraising.

Why Now?

Bitcoin adoption is accelerating and there is a high likelihood of future price appreciation. This moment offers a unique opportunity to build a financial foundation for RFUS that can withstand inflation, economic volatility, and traditional fundraising challenges.

At the same time, the Amazon is nearing a critical tipping point because of deforestation. Without immediate action, parts of these vital rainforests will turn to grasslands. They will shift from carbon sinks to carbon emitters, accelerating climate change. Scientists warn that we must act before 2030 to prevent irreversible damage. The time to act is now.

Be Part of the Solution

By donating to our Bitcoin Treasury, you’re helping Rainforest Foundation US create a new model of financial sustainability.

And you are supporting proven models of protecting tropical forests, empowering Indigenous communities, and fighting climate change.

Every satoshi counts.

For more information contact [email protected]

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