The Defenders of Darién

A spotlight on Rainforest Foundation US’s Carlos Doviaza, indigenouso Embera cartographer, and other defenders of Panama’s Darien rainforests

Naso Land Rights in the Balance

The Naso People of Panama have been fighting for legal recognition of their territory for more than 50 years. On February 20, 2019, the National Assembly of Panama officially recognized their lands. But will the President ratify the decision?

Scaling Up Indigenous Land Titling in Panama

The National Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of Panama (COONAPIP) has been engaged in a decades-long battle with Panama’s Ministry of the Environment to secure land rights for ancestral forests. Read about this fight, and the renewed push for recognition by COONAPIP.

Fortress Conservation Hurts Our Planet

Fortress conservation is a standard method of protection for old-growth forests. This practice forbids any and all human interference with the land. Read how this idea, while good on paper, has troubling implications for indigenous populations.

Direct Action Tips the Scales!

After hundreds of indigenous representatives and their allies blocked the entrances to Panama’s Ministry of the Environment, the director of MiAmbiente sat down to negotiate land rights petitions.

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