The Ancestral Forest: How Indigenous Peoples Transformed the Amazon into a Vast Garden

For centuries, many people in the Western world believed the Amazon to be an unpopulated and untouched forest. This has never been entirely true. The Amazon has been managed by Indigenous peoples for thousands of years. On this International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, explore how—through the creation of fertile soils and selecting and cultivating various plant and tree species over millennia—Indigenous peoples have transformed the Amazon rainforest into the most biodiverse ecosystem on Earth.

Recursos para Titulares de Direitos sobre Padrões do Mercado Jurisdicional de Carbono

ENGLISH PORTUGUÊS ESPAÑOL Análises técnicas para apoiar o envolvimento dos povos indígenas e comunidades locais nos padrões do mercado voluntário de carbono O mercado voluntário de carbono está evoluindo rapidamente em florestas tropicais ao redor do mundo. Está criando um cenário complexo de novos atores, padrões e requisitos para que os povos indígenas e comunidades […]

April 2024 Newsletter

A flock of vibrant scarlet macaws flying amidst the green foliage of the rainforest.

As Earth Day draws near, we’re excited to share with you our ambitious plans for the future. This year began with a breakthrough: the Peruvian government’s commitment to grant permanent land titles to 19 Ticuna and Yagua communities. With official rights to their ancestral lands, these communities can better. Additionally, our territorial monitoring program now safeguards over 17 million acres of vital rainforest. Dive into our April newsletter to explore these milestones and join us in making a difference.

Recursos para Titulares de Derechos sobre los Mercados de Carbono

El mercado de carbono voluntario está evolucionando rápidamente en los bosques tropicales alrededor del mundo, creando un complejo panorama de nuevos actores, normas y requisitos que los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales deben navegar para proteger sus derechos. Con el objetivo de apoyar a estas comunidades, sus organizaciones y líderes, Rainforest Foundation US ha comisionado a Climate, Law and Policy para desarrollar una serie de análisis que detallan los requisitos asociados a las salvaguardas.

Resources for Rights-holders on Jurisdictional Carbon Market Standards

The voluntary carbon market is quickly evolving in tropical forests around the world, creating a complex landscape of new actors, standards, and requirements for Indigenous peoples and local communities to navigate in order to protect their rights. To support communities, their organizations, and their leaders Rainforest Foundation US commissioned Climate, Law and Policy to develop a set of analyses that break down the safeguard-related requirements

Direct funding of Indigenous peoples can protect global rainforests & the climate

In an op-ed featured on Mongabay, the Executive Directors of the Rainforest Foundations of the United States, Norway, and the United Kingdom emphasize the essential role of Indigenous peoples in addressing the climate crisis. They urge the global elite to not only acknowledge this vital role but also to provide financial support.

Six Climate Topics to Counter Despair with Determination in 2024

Indigenous peoples and local communities during the Climate March at COP27 in Egypt

The effects of climate change are no longer distant warnings; they’re here. We must stand united and vigilant, continuing to advocate for change in the face of climate despair.
As we step into 2024, we at Rainforest Foundation US (RFUS) are keeping our eyes on these six topics as a source of ongoing determination.

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