APIB Statement in Response to the Murders of Indigenous Leaders in Maranhão

At the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 25), indigenous representatives speak out about the recent murder of 2 community members.
Video: We Stand with Communities on the Frontlines

A video message from a community in Menkragnoti Territory calling for solidarity in the fight against deforestation.
Statement from the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities

A statement by the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities expressing its disapproval of the Brazilian government’s response to the Amazon fires.
Three Thoughts on the Fires in the Amazon

RFUS explains why the Amazon is burning, and what we and our indigenous partners are doing about it.
Rainforest Foundation US Partners Score a Hat Trick at the 2019 Equator Prize

Three of RFUS’s partner organizations won the UN Equator Prize for innovative forest protection and development strategies.
Brazil’s Elections: A Call To Action

With the election of Jair Bolsonaro, the consequences for Brazil’s environment look bleak. But indigenous peoples are leading by example.