
If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.
– Dalai Lama

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Learn About Rainforests

At Rainforest Foundation US, we take saving rainforests seriously. We work with communities that live in the rainforest to protect their homes. These communities are called “Indigenous peoples.” They and their grandparents and their great grandparents have been living in the rainforest for as long as they can remember and know best how to take care of it. 

Rainforest Foundation US works closely with communities in the Amazon rainforest, the world’s biggest rainforest located in South America. Follow along the slideshows below to learn more about the peoples, animals, and plants that live in the Amazon.

Games, Activities, and Learning Materials

Kids, parents, and teachers: feel free to download and share the following resources. Don’t forget to print on the front and back of each page and use recycled paper whenever you can.

Rainforests Around the World are Disappearing

The Amazon rainforest and other rainforests around the world are being cut down in order to harvest their wood to build buildings or furniture, to clear land for new farms or dig for gold. But destroying rainforests has a major impact on the people, plants, and animals that live there. It also affects those of us who live far away from rainforests; tropical rainforests clean the air we breathe, regulate the rainfall that feeds our farms, and provide medicines that keep us healthy.

How Kids Can Protect Rainforests

Even if you live far from a rainforest or have never visited one, there are still a number of things kids can do to protect tropical rainforests. You can share what you’ve learned with friends and family, say “no” to products that harm rainforests, or fundraise for organizations like Rainforest Foundation US that work on the ground to protect rainforests.

You’re never too young to be a hero for the rainforest. The smallest efforts count, and the smallest people can make a huge difference. Read on to find out ways to help.

Spread the Word

Now that you know how important rainforests are and the threats they face, you can share what you’ve learned with friends and family. Check out the ideas below, or get creative with your own.

Reduce Your Use of Rainforest Products

You can save rainforests by reducing your use of products that are grown on cleared rainforest lands – beef, soy, and palm oil are the products that contribute most to deforestation.

Raise Funds for Rainforests

To raise funds, you can organize a sponsored talent show, run, walk, swim, bike ride, hop, three-legged race, dance, or any other activity you enjoy! You can also hold bake sales or open a lemonade stand.

If you would like to raise funds for Rainforest Foundation US, follow these easy steps:

If you have any questions about organizing a fundraiser feel free to email us at [email protected]

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Take the Rainforest Biodiversity Quiz

How well do you know the rainforest?

Dive into our quiz and test your knowledge about the wonders of rainforest biodiversity and why Indigenous peoples are the best guardians of this vital habitat.

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