Indigenous Women Rising: Breaking Barriers and Leading the Fight to Protect the Amazon

Indigenous women are increasingly taking the lead in monitoring their rainforest lands and stepping into key leadership roles within their communities. By breaking barriers and asserting their place on the frontlines, Indigenous women are driving the fight to safeguard the rainforest, preserve their cultures, and shape the future of our planet.

A Year of Resilience, Progress, and Hope for Rainforests and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights

As 2024 comes to a close, there’s much to reflect on. It was a year of immense challenges. Yet despite these challenges, we made significant achievements in protecting rainforests and supporting our Indigenous partners across the Amazon and Central America in their efforts to defend their ancestral territories—making 2024 a year defined by resilience, hope, […]

COP16 & COP29: Global Promises Must Turn Into Urgent Action

Never before has the need for global unity in addressing the climate crisis been more urgent. Predictions have been made with near certainty that 2024 will be the warmest year on record. [1] This year, the Amazon rainforest experienced its worst drought in recent history, accompanied by a record number of fires that blazed across […]

Indigenous Women Forge Strategic Alliances to Defend Their Territories and Lives

Earlier this month, around 70 participants, including 50 Indigenous women leaders from across the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Amazon, gathered in Pucallpa, Peru, for “Indigenous Women: Care and Resistance,” a two-day TechCamp aimed at fostering collaboration and addressing the pressing threats to their territories, rights, and communities.

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