Protecting rainforests and our climate

in partnership with Indigenous peoples since 1988

2024 A Year In Review: Some of the progress we’ve made this year to protect rainforests alongside our Indigenous partners.

white letters on a black background that read "No Forests"


a text that reads "No Future". No Forests = No Future

Rainforest Foundation US provides the tools, training, and resources that ensure the rainforests’ best guardians are able to defend their rights — and their forests.

Our Impact In Numbers

Land Rights

We have helped secure rights to 42.7 million acres of forests & lands since 1988

Deforestation rates are lower on lands managed by Indigenous communities with secure land rights. And healthy forests store more carbon and slow climate change.

Rainforest Protection

We help protect 19.5 million acres of forests through monitoring

Deforestation is a primary driver of carbon emissions. Integrating new technology with traditional forest monitoring practices stops deforestation more effectively.

Strengthening Organizations

We support 200+ Indigenous communities & organizations

Strong organizations and communities are more resilient and sustainable. We provide direct financing and co-design strategies with our partners to support them in protecting their lands and our planet.

Rainforest Foundation US is tackling some of the world’s most urgent challenges: biodiversity loss, human rights violations, and climate change
Rainforest Foundation US is tackling some of the world’s most urgent challenges: biodiversity loss, human rights violations, and climate change


A Year of Resilience, Progress, and Hope for Rainforests and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights


The Future of Giving: How Crypto and AI Are Supporting Rainforest Protection

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